Művészgyerekek exhibition


The works of our 3rd grade student, Gát Lana Juliet, will be exhibited at the Margitka Vintage Shop & Gallery, where they will be on display until the end of the year. Art plays a significant role in Lana’s life, as her family boasts several generations of renowned artists. Her great-great-grandfather was the famous art collector Kilényi Pál, her great-grandmother was the writer Kilényi Mária, her grandparents are the pianist Gát József and classical percussionist Kilényi Beatrix, and the curator of this exhibition, writer Gát János, is her father.

The exhibition will be opened by Gát János at 5:30 PM and will be available for viewing until the end of the year.
Venue: Margitka Vintage and Art, 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 64/a.

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