Brit-Magyar Donations Set Off to the Pető Institute
Once again this year, the Brit-Magyar community came together to support the work of the Pető Institute’s Public Benefit Foundation for Conductive Education by donating
Once again this year, the Brit-Magyar community came together to support the work of the Pető Institute’s Public Benefit Foundation for Conductive Education by donating
Idén is összefogott a brit-magyar közösség, hogy karácsonyi ajándékokkal támogassa a Pető Intézet Konduktív Iskoláért Közhasznú Alapítvány munkáját. Az adománygyűjtés célja az volt, hogy szebbé
On Tuesday, we participated in a special program at the Kiscelli Museum, where we had the unique experience of learning how gingerbread was traditionally made
On December 10, the eighth-grade team participated in the first round of the B33 Basketball School Olympics: Barna, Dominik, Sámuel, and Zsolt. Thank you to
The first graders had a magical Christmas experience at the Hosszúréti Ranch in Törökbálint, where they participated in a gingerbread baking activity. The children shaped
Congratulations to Bálint, a student of class 3.b, for achieving 2nd place with his outstanding performance at the Járdányi Talent Days piano competition! In his