October 23, 1956

At our school, we will be commemorating the October 23rd, 1956 revolution during the 1st and 2nd lessons on Tuesday. The 6th-grade students have been preparing, learning, and practicing for weeks to ensure the performance goes well. Fortunately, despite the tight schedule, the rehearsals have been filled with good spirits and many joyful moments. Our students are enthusiastically and wholeheartedly participating in the performance.

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
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Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!

Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!
Applying for school

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
Applying for school

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