Opening Ceremony 2024/25

We are excited to invite parents to join us all for our opening ceremony at 08:30 on September 2nd. This will be a short assembly to celebrate the new year and welcome our new members to the Brit-Magyar community. We expect it to last 20 minutes and we ask students and parents to make their way to the new sports court on the first morning. Students should dress for the occasion and we look forward to showing you part of our new facilities and beginning the new academic year with you!

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
Applying for school

Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!

Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!
Applying for school

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
Applying for school

Additional entries

Meet the Directors

On Thursday, we held the “Meet the Directors” event with Ken Bence and Katalin Czirják. Ken and Katalin shared their plans for

Water Battles

On Thursday, the PE classes were truly special as we organized some fantastic water battles! In the heat, the refreshing games were

First Week of School

Our school was filled with excitement and energy for our first week back in school. There has been lots of laughter, curiosity, and