Why is Brit-Magyar School the best choice for the future of your child?


Our school started in September 2020 with grades 1-4, and with the aim to become one of the most prestigious bilingual schools in Hungary. In response to the high level interest, we will extend our classes to grades 1-7 starting from next year. Therefore we have already opened the registration to grades 5-7. Why is it good to attend Brit-Magyar? What benefits do the students of Brit-Magyar School enjoy? We have collected the most important reasons.

Our mission is to provide an English-Hungarian bilingual education for primary and middle school students that is progressive and seeks to provide a broad education. To prepare students for their further education in either the best Hungarian high schools or in the international system.

All of our colleagues including our school director do their best to reach this aim. Our school director has gathered pedagogic experience in numerous foreign countries, and he spent all of his career teaching students of this age. His professional career and knowledge means a solid base for our whole staff which consists of highly qualified, internationally experienced teachers. All of them work on reaching the aims of Brit-Magyar School by implementing progressive teaching methodology focused on the children’s interests.

Our main purpose is to provide a broad based education to our students so they can become global citizens and truly bilingual. For this aim, the Brit-Magyar Bilingual School uses the Hungarian National Core Curriculum and the bilingual framework curriculum as defined for bilingual schools. All of this is complemented by using materials from the Cambridge International programme that is based on the national curriculum for England. Thanks to this programme, our students not only learn a language, but they obtain a wide range of information about the British, their culture and customs, as well.

All these goals are developed by our staff who are made up of internationally experienced teachers, highly qualified educators and skillful native English teachers. All of our teachers use the latest learning tools to help children get the widest range of information from the best technology available today. The aim of our curriculum is to provide children not only with lexical knowledge, but to develop the social and emotional skills of the kids, as well. For reaching this goal we do not prioritise frontal teaching methods, but students work in pairs or groups, besides having individual projects, as well.

Our school provides a student centered, safe and caring environment where children are free to raise questions and to make mistakes. In our school our students can learn confidently, research, take risks, make mistakes and learn from mistakes. We believe that this is the way how our students can become confident youngsters who can do their best even in the international educational system or in the best Hungarian high schools.

If you are interested, please join us either online or in person on our next Open day on the 16th of January. You can find further information on the link below: https://www.facebook.com/events/1162010697530501/

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
Applying for school

Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!

Open day registration

Experience in person the friendly environment where your child will be happy to go to Primary school
Book an appointment for the Open Day which suits you best!
Applying for school

Applying for school

Our school boasts a happy learning environment and we look forward to receiving your application
Application to Brit-Magyar School
Applying for school

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